November 6, 2024

I am very proud to have earned a second term as an at-large member on the Buffalo Board of Education, in an unprecedented November and Presidential Election.
I have worked hard to serve and build relationships and trust with our students, families, and staff across the city of Buffalo, and the victory on election night reflects this. I devoted much time, energy, and resources to help guarantee the opportunity to continue serving. The support from so many- family, friends, teachers, parents, and community members, also made a second term achievable. I am incredibly grateful to all who petitioned, donated, made phone calls, worked early Election and Election Day polls, and the almost 28,000 and counting, who cast their vote for me.
Thank you greatly to my wife, Alexus, and my boys, Leopold and Oliver, for supporting me throughout another demanding campaign. I could not do this without them and their understanding. Thank you Mom and Dad for shaping who I am and all of your support through Election Day, posting lawn signs at polls at the crack of dawn.

Congratulations to Adrianna Zulich and Janita Everhart on their victories last night. They each bring a skill set and experiences which will be invaluable to the board and Buffalo Public Schools. I also want to thank both, Terrance Heard and Ann Rivera, for serving as at-large board members. They will be missed immensely, as colleagues, along with their skills and passion for serving our Buffalo students and families. I am also thankful to the other candidates who ran in this election- Raziya Hill and Ed Speidel. It was truly a pleasure attending several forums with all of the candidates and having meaningful dialogue on important matters related to education and doing so with a decorum that we don't commonly see in politics these days.
Though I am proud of the victory, today presents its own circumstances, which require us to be steadfast. Serving and acting locally have a renewed sense of purpose to ensure a quality public education, and one that upholds the rights and dignity for all of our students.
I'm ready to take on some immediate issues facing Buffalo Public Schools- safety, mental health, cell phones, transportation, neighborhood and community access to schools, and opportunities to grow extracurriculars for our students, such as baseball and softball. I look forward to one day seeing the completion of a new Food Commissary, the reimagined Fosdick Field, and the transition of daVinci high school to the Buffalo State University campus. It's back to work, starting tonight, with board work sessions on beginning of the year math data and the board's long-term goals.
Thank you again everyone for all of your support!
Larry Scott
Vice President of Student Achievement
Buffalo Board of Education