The 2022-23 Application is now Live!
Deadline To Submit On-Time Applications: FRIDAY FEBRUARY 11, 2022
Notification To Families On 2022- 2023 School Assignments: Mid- April 2022
School 64 AND School 61 GT 4th grade students have a seat at Olmsted 156
4th, 6th, & 8th grade BPS students will be tested in their current school, there is not an application to complete for Olmsted 156 & CHS for these grades
All other grades and non-BPS students will need to apply for Saturday testing at a link that will be posted on the BPS website soon
More details:
All BPS students in grades 4, 6, and 8 have the option to test at their home school and do not need to complete an online application. If they wish to test on Saturday instead, they will need to complete an application online, here.
BPS students in grades 5, 7, 9, 10, and 11 , will participate in Saturday Testing and will also need to complete an application online.
Information regarding in school testing will be sent out in January.